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The Power of More Recess Time

At Groton Farm School, we believe in nurturing not just the minds, but also the bodies and spirits of our students. That’s why we’ve made a conscious effort to prioritize outdoor play and recess time as essential components of our educational approach.

In this blog post, I will explore the remarkable benefits of providing more recess time and its positive impact on academic achievement at Groton Farm School.

One of the most compelling reasons for incorporating more recess time into the school day is its ability to improve focus and concentration in the classroom. When students are given the opportunity to engage in physical activity and unstructured play outdoors, it helps them release pent-up energy, reduce restlessness, and return to class more focused and ready to learn.

Research has shown that outdoor play and recess activities stimulate cognitive development in children. By exploring nature, engaging in imaginative play, and navigating physical challenges on the playground, students at Groton Farm School develop essential problem-solving skills, spatial awareness, and creativity, which are all crucial for academic success.

One of the most compelling reasons for incorporating more recess time into the school day is its ability to improve focus and concentration in the classroom. When students are given the opportunity to engage in physical activity and unstructured play outdoors, it helps them release pent-up energy, reduce restlessness, and return to class more focused and ready to learn.

Research has shown that outdoor play and recess activities stimulate cognitive development in children. By exploring nature, engaging in imaginative play, and navigating physical challenges on the playground, students at Groton Farm School develop essential problem-solving skills, spatial awareness, and creativity, which are all crucial for academic success.

More recess time fosters social interaction, cooperation, and empathy among students. It provides opportunities for them to build friendships, resolve conflicts, and develop important social skills that contribute to a positive school environment. At Groton Farm School, we believe that emotional well-being is just as important as academic achievement, and recess time plays a vital role in nurturing the whole child.

Encouraging more outdoor play and physical activity through increased recess time promotes better physical health among students. It helps combat sedentary behavior, reduces the risk of obesity, and supports overall well-being. By prioritizing recess, Groton Farm School is not just investing in academic success, but also in the long-term health and vitality of our students.

When students are given regular breaks for outdoor play and recess, they return to the classroom with renewed energy, improved mood, and heightened motivation to learn. This increased learning readiness translates into better academic performance, as students are more engaged, attentive, and receptive to instruction.

My goal is to create an educational environment where students thrive both academically and personally. Through the power of play, we are shaping the next generation of confident, resilient, and successful learners! I am committed to cultivating a community where learning knows no bounds, and every child has the opportunity to flourish.

– Shelly Sullivan, M.Ed.